Thursday, July 13, 2006

This episode was a long one. Lots and lots of work went into it.

First, the Deal or No Deal part. Spent the better part of an hour playing the random number game trying to get a large amount in the case. I have the worst luck ever. Then I got to the final three cases and had like 750,000, 500,000, and 750. The offer was 350,000 and I wanted to take it because we were like 500,000 away from winning at that time. But nooo... Ryan L told me to keep going for the gold. I guess I was so excited/nervous that I forgot that 500,000 had already been posted. Then it came up with that and we were excited and I posted it... I didn't even notice until Travis pointed it out. >< Sucks.

For the poker task, I was teamed up with Devon, who is on perma-vacation, and Ryan L, who maybe sometimes has problems reading directions. <3 ya RyanL, but it's the truth lol and I'm probably guilty of the same thing. What a fabulous team of three we made! Then again we did make more money than the other team... well if you take out Brian of course. I have no clue how he got so much money. I wish he would have told us and helped us win that same amount.

The only good thing about the literally 3 hours I spent on this poker thing was the loads of information I got about people. People were stalling left and right. I saw people deliberately screw up time and time again and then pass it off as a weak joke. Nobody wanted to try out ANY of my ideas for getting easy money, prefering to sit there and just watch it slip away. If I do have to take this quiz tonight, my perceptions on the mole have shifted greatly... someone who I did not consider is now considered, and someone who I did is now not. So that is a positive thing...

for spending an ungodly amount of time on this thing over a period of three days! Which brings me to something I'm really not happy with. The proverbial back-breaking straw was David's tasteless, snarky quips on his blog. I honestly feel that he picked it up from Travis in a lame copying attempt. Why the hell are you so negative all the time? The only thing I hear is "jeesh, you suck" this and "why the fuck didn't you win?" that. This game is a HUGE time commitment and we are all giving it our best and all I hear are negative cutdowns. I bet you are disgruntled too with all the time you put into things but put on a smile once in awhile, jeesh.

I had FUN with the mole points thing and I think others did too. Do you honestly think you could have done better with it? We all put time into it in ADDITION to hours and hours on our first task, then 3-4 hours on our poker task. Not even counting adding all of the hours of deciphering codes, writing public confessionals, writing private confessionals. That doesn't even add in all the time talking on AIM - which takes longer than you think, as it's easy to spend just an hour chatting. In just three days we did all of this and we are being yelled at for the stupid MP thing and insulted at the challenges for trying our hardest? Jesus Christ.

That's just my opinion. It might not be yours, and I'm not attacking anybody for it, I'm just saying how I feel. I enjoy the game 100% but sometimes it's just frustrating to put so much work into things and have no money and negativity.


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