Wednesday, August 09, 2006

After the game

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Look at my very first confessional. Read the first letter of every sentence.


Final 10: No one puts Sam as the mole on any question.
Final 8: No one puts Sam as the mole on any question. Ryan M splits between Devon and Ryan L. Ryan F divides equally, but manages to score a 1 on a random guess question. Brian puts straight Andy. Andy splits between Ryan F and Devon. Ryan L selects randomly.
Final 7: Ryan L puts me as the mole as an emotional response after I nominate him, is the first one to score very high (6 pts.) Brian goes straight Andy. Ryan M splits between Ryan L and Ryan F and scores 1 point. Andy goes straight Ryan F. Ryan F divides between three people, one of them Sam, and scores 5 points.
Final 6: Devon is the decoy.
Final 5: Both Brian and Ryan F put Sam 100% as the mole and score perfectly. Ryan L puts Ryan F 100% as mole. Andy puts Ryan F 100% as mole and loses due to bonuses.
Final 4: Brian switches from Sam to Ryan L 100% and loses. Ryan F puts 100% on Sam.
Final 3: Ryan L puts 100% on Ryan F after swaying back and forth. Ryan F puts 100% on Sam and wins.


1.1 BlogSphere - as this was my debut, I did not deliberately sabotage. However, I followed others mistakes including a messed up template that delayed me for an hour. I constantly complained of difficulty and took my sweet time setting things up. Before it was even known that Ty would not be here, I cut him out of the loop and did not sign online anywhere near the deadline.

1.2 Conversationalists - I did end up losing quite a bit of money, however it wasn't deliberate lol. I guess I'm just good at natural sabotage. =) I did not sign on my AIM account the whole time and ended up not having conversations with 4 people. This also helped me stay UTR.

1.3 Toast - deliberate sabotage getting the lowest score, forcing the team average down and losing the money.

2.1 Exemption Movie Review - no money involved

2.2 College - I did not make any incorrect guesses because my focus was elsewhere. However, I only submitted one correct answer, and tried to suggest fake answers many times to other players (none of which really caught, unfortunately)

2.3 16 Degrees - Unfortunately, the very first night of the challenge I was told by both andy and ryan l to post the upcoming link because I was the first one connected. I stalled for one day, telling them I wasn't sure what to post. Then I posted the one thing and managed to stall another day before they told me I had to post a second part. This stalling was not enough to mess up the challenge as everybody finished and connected everything.

3.1 Google Earth - submitted 5 correct answers, 3 of which i was coerced into posting by others. I was unable to find cities that looked anything like any of the cities posted as was suggested to sabotage. Spent an hour and nothing looked remotely similiar to "guess" on. Plus that wouldn't of deducted much money from the pot regardless due to no penalties for a wrong answer.

3.2 Mole Idol - deliberate sabotage after I gathered everybody together the very first day of the task to plan everything. I constantly stalled - trying to get the lyrics changed for a few days each time something was suggested. Then I proclaimed that I would refuse to sing Gloria Gaynor (this being like a day before the task was due). Then I decided to use a text to voice program to 'sing' for me, but I encoded it in a wierd .wav(ALF) file so it did not play correctly.

4.1 Color Puzzle - I did not even attempt to solve it. I stalled posting my piece until I knew someone posted a false one, then posted a real one. Sabotaged.

4.2 Web Crawler - I was told to go balls to the wall on this one. I did, I started out strong and with a presence like I usually like to do such that the others get the impression that I am a hard worker and active player. I was going to post some links, but decided not to give them that assistance. My next plan was to stall. I would be one of the last to post the 2nd item. If I was lucky, we wouldn't get the second dollar. We for sure wouldn't get the third dollar. However, I was stopped before any possible sabotage could take place by Devon's blatant sabotage, which I quickly condemned.

4.3 Exemption - I continually posted, though not obsessively. Both M and Andy posted more than me. I made sure to wait a few hours before upping it again, they did not. I posted a lot at the end. I raised it as high as I could then I formed part of the active team to stop it, perfectly crafting my player identity along with taking a good sized chunk out of the pot. Besides, they needed to win SOME money this round lol. It was luck that gave me the exemption. I was fully prepared to refuse to post STOP and tried to refuse to roll the dice twice in order to keep the game continuing. However it went on without me and how could I possibly refuse a free exemption? Obviously I couldn't and maintain my alliance and my perception =P It was simply not worth it to suck 3+ dollars out of the pot in around they had already been so horrible at. Actually maybe it would have been worth it. Then again I have gotten a tremendous amount of money out without being suspected at all. Then again, if I wasn't there how much MORE money would they have had?

5.1 The Sudoku Connection - was not a part of

5.2 Deal/No Deal - I had no plans to sabotage this challenge as I thought it was far too easy. However, Ryan L and I were working on it. I had been 'losing' for about an hour (actually I only played once or twice but told Ryan L I had been working on it forever with no luck). Finally I start getting high numbers after L has almost single-handedly won the challenge. Each step of the way I am talking with Ryan L about whether to deal or no deal. I have 3 cases left: 750,000, 500,000, and 75. Offer is 375,000. I really want to take it, but Ryan L says: "no! continue on!" Dutifully, I do so and end up with 500,000 and tell him. Ryan L gets all excited and says: "We won!" and urges me to post it really quick. I couldn't pass up this opportunity to have someone tell me to sabotage, so up it goes.

5.3 Poker - I really tried to help the group win this challenge. I spent at 2-3 hours that night trying out different strategies on winning. None of them worked and we hardly earned any money at all. I pushed a bunch of different strategies but no one seemed interested and the others kept making dumb moves or not paying attention. The next day, I discovered a way to transfer money from a new account to my real one. I doubled my money in about 10 minutes:

I kept this information to myself because I felt it was Devon's time to go and I didn't want to win the challenge but appear to really want to win.

6.1 Rock Around the Clock - I didn't understand the rules for exemption so it was too late for me to do anything to try and win it by the time Ryan quit. I was online for all the hours they were but let them carry the torch. Ryan F and I really wanted Brian to stop. It seemed a foregone conclusion that we would lose, so I made sure to remind them of that. At the end I could have stolen the challenge away from Ryan F after he went to sleep, but decided not to for a variety of reasons.

6.2 Spelling Bee - Simple challenge, not much money at stake, so I gave it my all.

6.3 Prisoner's Dilemma - The group had been losing a lot of money lately so I decided to help them out on this one and only said a few words to notify everyone I was sending in a blue pawn. This round was supposed to be a low-key round where I gave support (much like round 2)

7.1 The Challenge No One Did - Was surprised no one even tried. I was going to but I had learned from my past mistake of appearing too eager to win money (who would of thought?). So I didn't lift a finger and I got 4 bucks in my pocket!

7.2 Clue Boxes - This challenge was EXTREME. I didn't have the answer to the challenge, and my clue legitimately didn't come in the e-mail for hours. I desperately wanted Ryan L to win and getting him to win was an adventure in itself. I spent an hour in full-speed multi-task mode trying to get all the images (actually which I got a few minutes before they were posted via people's e-mails), put them together, solve the puzzle, talk with L and Brian, and do other stuff. Once I solved the code Ryan L didn't think that was the answer so I had to nag him to send it in. Then he sent it to the wrong e-mail so I logged in, checked it, and then casually mentioned if he sent it to the right place. Ryan L wanted to give the answer to who he thought was the mole - Ryan F - but that would have been disaster. I threatened Ryan L that I would turn it in if he didn't. Finally I got him to turn it in, and all was peaceful. Me and Ryan L were talking about who should win. L mentioned an upcoming vacation (one that had been planned by Travis a week in advance - perfect to hide my vacation which prompted travis' fake vacation notice) which would be perfect cover. In 'exchange' for letting him win he said he would pay to get Ryan F's square and would take the heat in future challenges. Good deal!

8.1 3 Questions - I put down random answers. I deliberately tried to post the wrong answers to my questions, but I ended up inadvertantly getting one right. =(

8.2 Maze - Spent the whole time working feverishly (and having fun) doing parts that were already solved. Must of spent 4 hours catching up to Ryan F (who had done it all the night before) hahaha. He helped me out on a lot I couldn't get. Then I played around with everyone in the chat (BEST CHAT EVER) to stall some more. Then I asked pointless, random questions just for fun. =)

I had a few direct sabotages. There was a lot of challenges where I just didn't help at all - but never did anything to ruin it. I scored poorly on a lot of the exemption challenges on accident. If I had planned on trying to win a challenge, I went totally gung ho and tried to lead the group to win doing everything I could. Like starting up AIM chats, I started up a few of those. If challenges were simple and not worth much money, I tried to win them gung ho, if they were worth a lot of money, I tried to make them lose if I could.


(09:28:49) omc4sam: actually
(09:29:09) omc4sam: the reason i was so surprised that i stayed
(09:29:14) omc4sam: is that i put all my answers on one person O_O
(09:29:18) omc4ryanl: who?
(09:29:20) omc4ryanl: i did too
(09:29:27) omc4sam: it wasn't you lol
(09:29:33) omc4sam: and you know i didnt think it was brian...
(09:29:41) omc4ryanl: RYAN F?!
(09:29:44) omc4sam: wait did you put it on ryan F too?
(09:29:46) omc4sam: omg omg
(09:29:51) omc4ryanl: yes
(09:29:52) omc4ryanl: i did
(09:29:53) omc4ryanl: lol
(09:29:55) omc4sam: holllllly
(09:29:58) omc4ryanl: so he must be the mole
(09:29:58) omc4sam: wow
(09:30:00) omc4ryanl: he must
(09:30:01) omc4ryanl: lol
(09:30:05) omc4ryanl: we so just figured it out
(09:30:08) omc4ryanl: muhahaha
(09:30:16) omc4ryanl: look like i won't be the last ryan standing :'(
(09:30:17) omc4sam: hes the mole
(09:30:21) omc4ryanl: cause the mole never leaves
(09:30:23) omc4sam: i knew it...
(09:30:24) omc4ryanl: muhahaha
(09:30:24) omc4sam: yeah =/
(09:30:26) omc4ryanl: we are so good
(09:30:30) omc4sam: wow its like wierd
(09:30:34) omc4sam: finally knowing who the mole is lol
(09:30:37) omc4sam: theres no other way


Ryan F, Episode 1: “I'm being honest on my blog this time around, and I'm not going to pretend to be the mole. I want people to know I'm a player so I'm not nominated because people should want to get rid of plausible suspects.”

Ryan L, Episode 1: “ I am enjoying the game so far. It is sorta hard work, but I am ok with that. Right now I think that ANDY IS THE MOLE and DEVON OR BRIAN IS THE DECOY. I realize that it looks as if I am sabotaging at the moment, but that is just my own stupidity. Well I have formed an alliance, but I will see where it goes.”

Sam, Episode 1: “Let me talk about my first four conversations. Here's the one-sentence summary: Sam blows smoke up everybody's asses. Seriously, the only person who asked ME a question (my current question-asking tally is at about 15 as we speak) is Devon. I really like Devon. It's a shame I can't work with him because he's the decoy. Me and him really click.”

Sam, Episode 1: “So far only one person mentioned me in their private confessionals. They said I was (quote) "harmless." Words cannot express.”

Ryan L, Episode 2: “am sorry now that you're reading this....and I want to thank any of you who helped me. If any of you screwed me over...which I'm sure u did. I hate you. No not really, but yeah. So cool.

GOOD LUCK YALL! I hope Brian or Alan is the mole even though Ryan F is. So cool. It's probably Andy. And Devon is ok, but Sam is so screwing me.”

Ryan F, Episode 2: “Sam... I may be wrong, but I trust him too much. Honestly, if I was in the shoes of another player, I think either Sam or I would be a top two or top three mole candidate. So, this may be a risky move for me, but he and I are very similar, and we're both too open and talk too much, as well. I think that quality alone should eliminate him from my list, but it may just be a strategy.
-->The four most logical choices are Andy, Brian, Ryan M., and Devon.”

Ryan F, Episode 3: “-->Now, I also initiated an alliance. First, with Ryan L. Ryan L... sorry, but he is new, and he is VERY naive. I figured, I'll help him learn how to play this game and play it well. Bring him to final three, and own his sorry behind.”

Sam, Episode 3: “Okay so up to this point I had a few "alliances" with different people. Let's go through people one by one.

Devon: nothing with Devon. I'm actually glad I didn't have anything, because I was getting along with him well and do not want to be grouped up with or associated with him. Why? He will eventually be outed as the decoy, and when he does, people will start looking to those who *didn't* suspect him. In Week 4 I will probably begin the process of pointing the finger at him gently. People won't think I'm the mole if I point the finger at the decoy.

Ryan M.: I don't talk much with him. His loss. =) Is he the one that isn't even trying to be mole-ish? Actually I think that's Andy. Anyway, there are WAY too many people not even pretending to be the mole. Sucks for me.

Andy: I don't like Andy because he doesn't like me. 0=) But he's so easy to be manipulated. He basically spilled his guts to me after I fed him 2 lines about not trusting L. I could basically get him to tell me whatever I wanted, I think. I'm in a coalition with him and L but I don't think that's going anywhere. Andy doesn't think much of me at all, thinks I'm harmless, brainless, and ineffective. As mole I'm thrilled about that. =)

L: I'm in a coalition with L and Andy, and also L, RyanF, and Brian. We're stringing along L because "we know he's not the mole" plus he's easy to guide and will probably lose the second he's nominated. Now, as Mole, I don't want him around too long, but since I can nominate him at any time I don't think that will be a problem. =)

Alan: I have nothing on Alan. I'm avoiding him and I hope he goes bye bye. He's also like 0% of being the Mole because he's so boring.

Brian: I haven't talked with him much but he seems really laid back. Kinda just there. Because of this, he is my 'official' mole suspect. (my other suspects include Andy, Devon, and probably Ryan F later since he'll be around a bit). I'm in a coalition with L / him / RyanF and another with him / Ryan F and 'stringing L along.' Whatever.

Ryan F: Ryan F and I have a final 2 coalition. He came to me for it, which makes me giddy inside. I really don't think he thinks I'm the mole because he spilled his entire strategy to me. He basically entrusted me with, as far as I know, the majority of his strategic thought processes. Even if he's hiding things on me, I have enough dirt on him to cause all sorts of trouble. It's fantastic.”

Sam, Episode 3: “Oh players, I must admit that you've got me a little bit nervous at the moment. Darn you and you not revealing all in your private confessionals. The thing that got me the most nervous was reading Andy's e-mails that he sent out. He sent one to both Devon and Ryan F asking if "the plan was still the one that we agreed on a few days ago." What???? Ryan F has more alliances? If that's true, I have so much dirt on him I could bring to those two it's crazy.”

Sam, Episode 3: “Things turned out well with the nomination stuff. Nobody is nominating me! I wonder why lol. I'll just have to nominate myself then. I don't really care who is nominated by the players, if it's Ryan M or Alan or Andy. All three work for me. Ideally it'd be Alan, Ryan M, and Sam nominated.”

Sam, Episode 3: “With the google earth task, I decided not to sabotage and just give them correct answers. There was really no point in sabotaging, as getting one wrong didn't lose any money. Additionally, it was near impossible for me to find a city that 'looked' like the city in question but wasn't it. Either the coloring was wrong, or there was no river that looked the same... basically there was no way you could mistake anything I found for the real thing. And since they'd all double check it and see for themselves, I'd be screwed.

The mole one I caved in and submitted my file early. I almost sent it in as a .mp3 file but just before I uploaded I went back and saved it as some obscure file type... text 2 wav(ALF2CD). I have no idea what ALF is but I was hoping it'd mess it up. Looks like it did too. And I think I have some pretty good excuses. Thankfully I had some help, lots of people 'messed' it up: Ryan F., Ryan L., Ryan M, myself.”

Sam, Episode 3: “Ryan F: 1
Andy: 2
Brian: 2
Ryan M: 2
Alan: 3
Ryan L: hasn't submitted
Devon: hasn't submitted

That's insane lol. Especially considering the expected quiz value is 3.518. It's just atrocious so far. I attribute it to something cool: the correct answer (myself) is sometimes in the minority category, though actually the questions usually split the groups in 2 halves.

It's hilarious that Alan got the highest score but by my count would be eliminated. 3+1 for Alan and 2+2 for RyanM. Alan got 1 last round and RyanM got 4. If this were normal mole w/out bonus points and nominations, Ryan F would be gone! (I'll be sure to push that in his face after the game is over. ^^)”

Ryan F, Episode 4: “--> So, as I was talking with Andy, we came to an agreement that he, I, Devon, and Sam should align. This is making me quite happy. I have one alliance with Sam/Brian. Another deteriorating one with Ryan L.”

Ryan F, Episode 4: “Guess what? EVERYONE IS AGAINST RYAN M. Thanks to ME”

Ryan L, Episode 4: “ I have an alliance with 1. Sam and Andy 2. RyanM 3. Ryan F. So I am ok for now. I am just waiting to go with the one that will take me to the top. If they're reading this now....I am sorry and I am just playing the game. Well we are doing pretty good. I think it's Devon. Then others think it's Brian”

Ryan F, Episode 4: “Andy and I came to a decision that we would nominate Brian and Ryan M. I figured, at that point, that we should vote for Brian. They way, I could throw my vote elsewhere to not look as if I was screwing someone, and the exemption winner--hopefully Sam or I--wouldn't have to choose a side.
Now, I approached Sam with this, and he didn't like it. He wants to stay loyal to Brian. And after some discussion, I started to agree. Brian is a better person to keep around over the more suspicious entity that are Devon and Andy. The point of nominating Brian/M was so that the mole would be forced to nominate someone un-mole-y, such as Ryan L. This would keep the initial foursome safe. However, if L is the decoy, the mole wouldn't nominate him, and we all have a strong feeling that L is the decoy.”

Sam, Episode 4: “I'm sort of worried at how easy it is for me to lie. The lies just flow from my fingertips! It isn't even difficult lol. Sometimes it actually feels like I'm a player and I have to get the nasty mole or find the decoy or put money in the pot or take the quiz or mundane stuff like that.”

Sam, Episode 4: “Sam-RyanF: our main two person partnership. We tell each other EVERYTHING.
Sam-RyanF-Brian: our main three person partnership: The Good Guys. We are a team, we trust each other, we work together for our mutual benefit. It's the perfect alliance. Me and Brian talk a little but I'd bet he's closer to F than me. If this was Survivor, I'd be worried. Fine by me though!
Sam-RyanF-Brian-RyanL: L is sort of our pawn in cases where if we feel like asking him to do stuff we do.
RyanM: by himself. He is anti-social, much like Alan. Hope he goes because nobody suspects him.
Sam-RyanF-Andy-Devon: Apparently this is a 4 person alliance, but I don't give it much weight. F gives it more weight than I do. He expects me to follow along but I really don't care.

I'm sure other people have other alliances but if they do they aren't very effective because Ryan F controls everything and I am his second-in-command.”

Ryan F, Episode 5: “And, this makes me sad, but I'm starting to not trust Sam as much, and not share as much with him. First off, I'm going to be keeping some of the codes to myself now. I don't want him having an advantage over me in the final rounds. In addition, he might be the mole. He's looking more and more suspicious as the days go by. Maybe I haven't gotten nominated yet because Sam knows that I've been fooled? He'll save me for the end where I can look like a fool. Plus, Sam proved himself a strong competitor in OMC3. He'd be a safe bet for being the mole.”

Ryan L, Episode 5: “Well if Andy truly is the decoy, which I am now pretty sure you are...BASTARD! Cause you probably just ended my game. Well...neways...if ur not...I am sorry for doubting you. WEll Ryan M, one of my alliances, my first, was eliminated...sorry Ryan M! other one is on the rocks, ANdy and Sam. With two of us on the block and one a possible decoy...who knows. Then there is Ryan F...he is a criminal mastermind. I have no real stratedgy for taking quizzes....just randomly guessing...and it got me this far huh?”

Ryan F, Episode 5: “I've narrowed the mole down to two possible people. The third is fairly unlikely. And Brian is certainly not the mole. I have a very difficult decision to make for nominating someone via my exemption. The key is: I want Brian safe. The best way to make Brian safe is to leave him and Andy un-nominated and so the mole will pick the only person yet to take a quiz. However, that would require me to get the votes against Ryan L. or Sam meanwhile nominating the other. I can't bring myself to nominate Sam, and it's too late to get the votes against him, especially considering Brian doesn't want to screw him and I've already bitched at Ryan L. for four pages straight--all of which was deserved on his part, mind you, even though I am being a hypocrite. Notice that I said Brian didn't want to screw over Sam. On the other hand, Sam was willing to screw over Brian.”

Ryan L, Episode 6: “I now do not trust Ryan F anymore...he is most def a mole. And he lies to everyone about things to make them feel backstabbed. Well I'm not afraid to ask everyone if it's true and just guillable enough to believe anyones lies. LOL. So as far as I know my only alliance is Sam and Andy, but mainly SAM. I am going to do as little as I can and just get by. And stick with SAM. So now the key to my game is SAM! SAM SAM SAM. Who coincidently is probably the mole cause I am so unlucky!”

Sam, Episode 6: “Andy is like a mole's wet dream! He is so clueless lol. He is perfect: he doesn't really try in challenges, he has no idea I'm the mole, and everybody thinks he's the mole. 10/10. His confessional was awesome and true. I'm never going to nominate him because he is just so valuable to me. Then he said "Sam hasn't really done anything" which just made me fall out of my chair. You kidding me? The last three episodes I've been so over the top it's ridiculous. In Ep. 3 I had a blatant over-the-top refusal. In episode 4 I barely helped on any task and raised the exemption money as high as it was going to go. In episode 5 I did another brazen screwup on deal or no deal then scored only +$61 on the poker game. My record is pathetic.”

Sam, Episode 6: “I just thought of a genius idea. Basically, here's what would happen. Let's say Andy goes. I then 'confess' to Ryan L, my partner in crime, that I put down ALL of my answers towards one person. And I'm still alive. Maybe L will confess the same to me. Conspiratorially, I reveal that that person is Ryan F. This would almost solidify the fact in his mind that Ryan F is the mole, because Ryan L did the exact same thing and both of us are still in. This is a good thing but the important thing is somehow get him to leak it to Brian. I don't know how that would happen... I'd just have to pray and get them two talking and hope it comes out”

Brian, Episode 6: “It's strange because I added up the money that each person has lost for the team, and he's lost the most. But it doesn't seem like it anyone even notices it when he does lose money. It's so subtle. And if he is the mole, he's doing a perfect job at it.”

Sam, Episode 7: “how dare they not know I am from Kansas! I have mentioned it no less than five times. Massachusetts? Virginia? =P They could even find it on the spies 2 site!

ouch. *licks wounds* I apologize for sucking so much recently and getting everybody to turn on me. even with this last round where i didn't screw up one bit! *sighs* I tried my hardest but I guess I just didn't know what I was doing. oh well.”

Ryan F, Episode 7: “My objective is to be in the finals with Brian because he is the one person that I know is not the mole. Initially, I wanted to give him the exemption, vote 10/10 towards Sam, my top suspect on the quiz, and get rid of Ryan L. who is bonus-less. However, Ryan L. got the exemption. So, I have to battle against Brian who I believe also suspects Sam. Hopefully, I can out-score him.”

Ryan L, Episode 7: “WEll...I'm officially in the final three! The least likely to be. Well I now know for certain that Ryan F is the mole and so does my partner in the game from episode 1, SAM! So we are planning on making it to the final 3 together and it looks as if we shall succeed! To help me in the exemption challenge we told Brian that we were sending our blocks, but never did and fibbed that yahoo was just not working. sorry Brian...i still feel sorry for doing that. Also I sent the squares to Ryan F after I had already figured it out as a weak attempt to earn his trust back, even though I seriously didn't care that much. I also hopefully convinced Brian that Sam is the mole and Sam convinced him I was the take all suspicion off of Ryan F...because we need Brian gone on the quiz.

Alright so now we will probably make it into the final 3 F & U (ryan l and sam). He has been a great ally through the whole game....putting me up to show that we weren't alligned was great...even though I didn't trust it at first. WEll...that's all over because we both know who the mole is...RYAN F...he was one of my first allys in the game...third to Ryan M and SAM&ANDY alliances. Well that just goes to show...a little hard work and planning will pay off!”


At 9:25 PM, Blogger Ryan M said...

Amazing post and amazing job as mole! I want to set the record straight: "Ryan M had disappeared from AIM and nobody heard from him". Right after episode 2 my computer's device driver broke, and it was essentially useless. I played what was left of my time in the game on a five year old computer incapable of running an instant messenger. I'm not trying to make excuses, I just don't want people thinking I was a complete bum. The only person that I told about this was... Sam... the mole XD Oh well, good game everyone, congrats Ryan F, excellent work Sam, and get'r done next time Ryan L! I hope to see your apps for OMC 5 later on!

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Sam said...

RE: Ryan F

I agree I didn't understand the rules that's why I didn't realize I couldn't win after Brian left.

HOWEVER, I did feign acting really tired around 2 AM. I laid it on really thick lol. Well... I was "tired" if you mean by tired of sitting at the computer.

That night I had taken a 4 hour nap before I got up at 9PM or whenever so I wasn't actually tired in the least and didn't fall asleep until ~9 AM the next morning.

But to your credit I got bored, got off the computer, and forgot about posting so even had I wanted to win I would have missed out anyway. =)


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