Friday, July 28, 2006

Look what I found!

Very, very interesting. I can't believe this is Travis' last episode hosting. =( I hope we didn't drive him away lol.

Monday, July 24, 2006

PS: F is awesome. =)

Andy. I was absolutely shocked to see Andy go. I thought he was the Mole for the longest time. I don't think Andy liked me very much but the few times we did get to talk he was rather enjoyable to talk to. It always seemed like he was on the other side of things and we just couldn't see eye to eye. He's a good guy though and I wish him the best of luck in future games. He did do pretty well in this one though.

Well, I don't think there's much else to say. The cards have been cast and all the moves have been played. There really isn't time for much else at the moment. Friends have become enemies and enemies have become friends. It truly is everyone for themselves. I know that I will be happy how this game turns out no matter what the end result is. I gave it my best. I'm very interested to see how the cards fall in the upcoming days.

No one seems to care about the money, which is surprising. People are ignoring challenges and throwing out money left and right. I must admit I haven't thought very much about the money up to this point but it's more the meaning behind it all. The idea is to win as much money as you can, folks, not because you want to buy something but because it's the point of the game. =P If it wasn't there nobody would do anything and the challenges would be pointless. Like David said: if everybody is screwing up then how is anybody supposed to find out who the Mole is?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

So... Devon. I would say that I'm sad you're gone but then you went on about us "poor old fools" who apparently are "quite frankly, a bunch of losers." Well thanks Devon! We love you too. <3

Quite frankly, I think you were a shitty decoy. Pretty much anybody can show up once in a blue moon and just blatantly screw up. Must of taken a lot of finesse to disappear for a week and lose us all that money by not being around! I think the only time I considered you was when I had a fleeting thought... that maybe this time around the mole was going to pretend to be Captain Short Bus, if you know what I mean.

So I have about 5,000 better things to do than talk about that. I have codes to decipher, mole points to win, and confessionals to write. I'm really not worried about appearing "threatening" or junk just because I have a lot of points. It's the final five, and it's time for that stuff to end. I'm going to work as hard as I can to give me bonuses on the quiz, because, quite frankly, I think I need it. I'm probably going to get nominated somehow. >< Sure I've got my suspicions just as much as the next guy but they keep changing... and with so few people left I need to pick a target and fast.

Yeah, so the last few challenges. Spelling Bee was fun. That marathon challenge was unwinnable as far as I'm concerned. Five people, and two have to be online at all times? lol. Ryan L and Andy were nowhere to be found that night. Even IF RyanF and I stayed up until 10 AM posting, which two people were going to take over for us from there? Wasn't going to happen. After that, it all came down to who was going to stay up the latest. After so much time online and so late I was beginning to get a bit delierious. Brian and Ryan F kept posting so I let them do their thing thinking I'd take over later. But it wasn't until like 2 AM and Brian went to sleep that I figured out that we were going to go to the first tiebreaker which was # of posts. And because you have to alternate, I had two options: get into an all-night posting war with Ryan F for hours or go to sleep. Easy decision! At least we managed to get money for the pot in Spelling Bee.

Now that I think about it Ryan F having Immunity isn't all that bad. I'd kind of like to have the Mole have Immunity because that means he isn't nominated and I have a better chance of staying. ;-) Something to think about...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

This episode was a long one. Lots and lots of work went into it.

First, the Deal or No Deal part. Spent the better part of an hour playing the random number game trying to get a large amount in the case. I have the worst luck ever. Then I got to the final three cases and had like 750,000, 500,000, and 750. The offer was 350,000 and I wanted to take it because we were like 500,000 away from winning at that time. But nooo... Ryan L told me to keep going for the gold. I guess I was so excited/nervous that I forgot that 500,000 had already been posted. Then it came up with that and we were excited and I posted it... I didn't even notice until Travis pointed it out. >< Sucks.

For the poker task, I was teamed up with Devon, who is on perma-vacation, and Ryan L, who maybe sometimes has problems reading directions. <3 ya RyanL, but it's the truth lol and I'm probably guilty of the same thing. What a fabulous team of three we made! Then again we did make more money than the other team... well if you take out Brian of course. I have no clue how he got so much money. I wish he would have told us and helped us win that same amount.

The only good thing about the literally 3 hours I spent on this poker thing was the loads of information I got about people. People were stalling left and right. I saw people deliberately screw up time and time again and then pass it off as a weak joke. Nobody wanted to try out ANY of my ideas for getting easy money, prefering to sit there and just watch it slip away. If I do have to take this quiz tonight, my perceptions on the mole have shifted greatly... someone who I did not consider is now considered, and someone who I did is now not. So that is a positive thing...

for spending an ungodly amount of time on this thing over a period of three days! Which brings me to something I'm really not happy with. The proverbial back-breaking straw was David's tasteless, snarky quips on his blog. I honestly feel that he picked it up from Travis in a lame copying attempt. Why the hell are you so negative all the time? The only thing I hear is "jeesh, you suck" this and "why the fuck didn't you win?" that. This game is a HUGE time commitment and we are all giving it our best and all I hear are negative cutdowns. I bet you are disgruntled too with all the time you put into things but put on a smile once in awhile, jeesh.

I had FUN with the mole points thing and I think others did too. Do you honestly think you could have done better with it? We all put time into it in ADDITION to hours and hours on our first task, then 3-4 hours on our poker task. Not even counting adding all of the hours of deciphering codes, writing public confessionals, writing private confessionals. That doesn't even add in all the time talking on AIM - which takes longer than you think, as it's easy to spend just an hour chatting. In just three days we did all of this and we are being yelled at for the stupid MP thing and insulted at the challenges for trying our hardest? Jesus Christ.

That's just my opinion. It might not be yours, and I'm not attacking anybody for it, I'm just saying how I feel. I enjoy the game 100% but sometimes it's just frustrating to put so much work into things and have no money and negativity.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ryan M was a nice guy. I didn't talk to him much nor did I have much interaction with him that I can remember. Unfortunately due to his reticence and extreme challenge ability and mole points ability he became a target. It always seemed like he was one step ahead of me with the codes, or with the mole point challenges, etc. I guess that's why he got voted for because nobody could talk to him one on one and get to know him. Talking on AIM is important... and that is something I think only a few people left in this game realize. I don't know how you expect to get any information about the mole unless you talk to people. =P Then again most my mole suspects never really get online anyway so it's hard to find out information about them when they are absent.

Almost makes me pine for the days of Alan.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Well, I'm not angry any more. =) I always said that me winning exemption would make everything worthwhile... and it did! Go me!

We even made .95 for the pot while doing it. Sure we could have had a lot more but what can we do. I'm through to Episode 5! *dances*

Holy christ. And I thought that I was angry at the last challenge. It's just like all these obviously sabotaged failures thrown at me at once is doing my head in. If there's one thing I can't stand it is people trying to "fake" being the Mole by making stupidly obvious sabotages for no point other than people to lose us money. The scavenger hunt was just stupid, what a way to throw 2 bucks down the drain. I'm CONVINCED that someone has already screwed up the puzzle challenge. There's six freaking pink squares for god's sakes. You can't make a puzzle if you don't have the pieces.

I had a lot more typed but I think I'll keep my anger in check and to myself. =) Surely all of you can't be devilish, controlling, secret mole/decoy hybrids right? <3 Let's just get rid of this decoy and put some damn money in the pot. I think at least 71.429% of you... er I mean us, can agree on that. 0=)

Monday, July 03, 2006

I'll write more about the last quiz/execution later just after I stop hyperventilating. ><

Let's get the departure message of Alan out of the way. I didn't get to talk to him too much, for reasons which will be further elucidated upon. He didn't really mesh with the group despite being on AIM all the time. I admit I tried to talk with him and get to know him the first few days and it went alright. Then I heard from other people that Alan abhorred small talk, and didn't ever want to get to know anybody or talk about our lives. This was proven when the next two times I IM'ed him the conversation went like this:

me: "hi"
alan: "hi"
me: "how are you?"
alan: "fine."

end conversation.

just for future reference the socially polite response is inquire as to how the other person is feeling and then go from there. =)

I think he "caused" some drama with the mole points or whatever but to be honest I didn't even notice it until the other day. I'm sure Alan has his own way of playing games and talking with friends, but maybe I just didn't understand it. Good luck in future games!